Recycling in Your town

Sussex County, NJ

Recycling programs in Sussex County vary by municipality, with some providing curbside pick-up and some with town Recycling Centers. All Sussex County residents have the option of bringing their commingled, cardboard, mixed fiber, newspaper, used oil, antifreeze, cooking oil and foam packaging to the SCMUA’s Recycling Center in Lafayette at no charge. Single stream recycling is not accepted.

What Goes Where?

All Sussex County residents are required to separate the following recyclable materials from their trash:

  • Aluminum and steel cans
  • Computer/office paper
  • Consumer electronics
  • Corrugated boxes/containers
  • Glass containers
  • Leaves, brush and yard trimmings, including grass
  • Magazine and junk mail
  • Newspaper
  • Plastic containers #1, #2 and #5
  • Stumps, logs and tree parts
  • Textiles
  • Tires
  • Used motor oil

Don’t place the following in your recycling bin:

  • Wire or plastic clothes hangers
  • Plastic bags
  • Coffee paper cups, juice boxes or milk cartons (due to plastic lining)
  • Cutlery – plastic or metal
  • Soiled pizza boxes
  • Light bulbs
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Styrofoam
  • Drinking glasses, dishes or broken window glass
  • Ceramics or pottery

For any questions or concerns regarding your town’s recycling program, including missed pickups, contact your Municipal Recycling Coordinator listed below:

TownMunicipal Recycling CoordinatorPhoneEmailMunicipal Recycling Website
Andover BoroughBeth Brothman973-786-6688clerk@andoverboroughnj.orgAndover Borough Recycling
Andover TownshipZoie Straway, CRP973-383-4280zstraway@andovertwp.orgAndover Township Recycling
Branchville BoroughMarguerite Nemeth, CRP973-948-4626mnemeth@ptd.netBranchville Recycling
Byram TownshipMike Orgera, CRP973-347-2500morgera@byramtwp.orgByram Township Recycling
Frankford TownshipDiane Brauchle, CRP973-948-5566deputyclerk@frankfordtwp-nj.comFrankford Township Recycling
Franklin BoroughSandra Cowan973-827-9280deputyclerk@franklinborough.orgFranklin Borough Recycling
Fredon TownshipMarguerite Nemeth, CRP973-383-7025mnemeth@ptd.netFredon Township Recycling
Green TownshipMark Zschack908-852-4121clerkadmin@greentwp.comGreen Township Recycling
Hamburg BoroughMarguerite Nemeth, CRP973-827-9230mnemeth@ptd.netRecycling – Borough of Hamburg, New Jersey (
Hampton TownshipKaren
Recycling/Garbage | Hampton Township, NJ (
Hardyston TownshipJosh Raff973-827-3525jraff@hardyston.comHardyston Township Recycling
Hopatcong BoroughPat Mason973-770-1200pmason@hopatcong.orgHopatcong Borough Recycling
Lafayette TownshipStephanie Pizzulo973-383-1817landuse@lafayettetwp.orgLafayette Recycling
Montague TownshipLynda Familant973-293-7300deputyclerk@montaguenj.orgMontague Recycling
Town of NewtonDebbie Danielson, CRP973-383-4160ddanielson@newtondpw.comNewton Recycling
Ogdensburg BoroughMaria Maschuch973-827-3444ogdensburgboh@gmail.comOgdensburg Recycling
Sandyston TownshipBeth Brothman973-948-3352landuse@sandystontownship.comSandyston Recycling
Sparta TownshipRobyn Hattersley973-729-4493Robyn.Hattersley@spartanj.orgSparta Recycling
Stanhope BoroughJason Titsworth973-347-6368stanhopedpw@stanshopenj.govStanhope Borough Recycling
Stillwater TownshipJoseph Funari973-383-9484recycling@stillwatertwp.comStillwater Township Recycling
Sussex BoroughMarguerite Nemeth973-875-4831mnemeth@ptd.netSussex Borough Recycling
Vernon TownshipHoward Lazier973-670-8072hlazier@vernontwp.comVernon Recycling
Walpack TownshipChristine VanOlsen973-948-6861walpackclerk@live.comWalpack Township
Wantage TownshipMike Restel973-875-7192mike@wantagetwp-nj.orgWantage Township Recycling

Municipal Coordinator Resources

2024 Recycling Tonnage Report