Solid Waste
The Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority owns and operates Sussex County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Facilities in Lafayette, NJ to provide environmentally sound disposal and recycling for all Sussex County residential and commercial waste. The SCMUA only accepts waste generated within Sussex County. The Solid Waste Complex is located in Lafayette Township near the intersection of Routes 15 and 94. The Solid Waste Facilities consist of a 3 Phase Sanitary Landfill, Residents’ Convenience and Recycling Center (RC/RC), Vegetative Waste Composting Facility, and Wood Waste Mulching Facility. The Solid Waste Facility accepts and recycles Class B Recyclables such as Refrigerators, Stoves, Water Heaters, Tires, Rigid Plastic Items, and Propane Tanks (@ a per pound rate). On a monthly basis 20,000 residents/businesses access the Solid Waste Facilities for their waste disposal and recycling needs.